寬帶光源 激光器 電光調(diào)制器 光放大器 高速光通信 光電探測器

Fiber-coupled LED module LE-1BR

Part Number: LE1-BR
Unit Number: WLE1BR071
Package type OEM
Temperature stabilization active
Fiber outputs Multi-mode POF primary- coated/3mm jacketed 0.98 mm core diameter ~1 m long
Output connectors FC/PC
Number of output channels 2
Number of remote “on/off” inputs 2
Power control knobs 10 turn regulation
Mean wavelength Ch.1 (max power) nm ~ 445
Spectral FWHM Ch 1 (max power) nm ~ 20 nm
Mean wavelength Ch 2 (max power) nm ~627
Spectral FWHM Ch 2 (max power) nm ~ 19 nm
Cold start central wavelength shift nm 0.5
Long-term operating wavelength drift nm ?1.5
Optical power Ch1 (min/max) mW ~ 0.9/13.2
Optical power Ch2 (min/max) mW ~1.5/13.7
Output power instability dB ± 0.1
Channels crosstalk dB 0.02
Remote control voltage (RCA-connector) V + (4 to 5)
Maximum pulling force for fiber pigtails kg 1
Module dimensions cm 25x17x6
Weight kg 1.3
Power VA 110 V AC 0.5A
Ambient temperature ℃ 21